The Representatives

The highest authority in the Student Union of Jamk University of Applied Sciences is used by the council of representatives, which consists of 21 primary and 21 vice members. The council of representatives supervises the interests of JAMK students by making the most important decisions and definitions of policy regarding the student union.

Functions of the council of representatives

the Council of Representatives plays a vital role in addressing matters that affect all students, making it crucial to the student body. During its meetings, the council discusses and handles various issues that have an impact on students collectively. Being a representative is a position of trust, and the council of representatives should act in a way which best serves the interests of the student body of the Jamk University of Applied Sciences. Being influential in the heart of student life opens new doors to the world of organizational activities, and clarifies many aspects of higher education life to the individual.

A single term as a representative lasts for one calendar year. The organizational meeting of council of representatives is held before the term itself begins, in late November or early December. The council of representatives has a meeting a couple of times a semester, where it make decisions on issues prepared by the board. The council of representatives meets prior to the meetings in a so-called evening class to discuss issues that will decided upon in the upcoming meeting. Although the official working language is Finnish, English translation can be provided.

The council of representatives nominates an annually changing board to carry out the operations of the student union. The role of the council of representatives is to superintend the work of the board and to make sure that their actions are in line with the effective strategy of the organization. The council of representatives is led by a president, who is chosen by the council of representatives from among the representatives.

At the meeting following the organisational meeting, the Council also elects student representatives to various working groups of Jamk. This will take place during between November and December. Examples of these are the committee of Study Issues, the Ethical Committee and the Working Group of Quality. The chosen representatives participate in the functions of the working groups and committees roughly once a month, and report important issues from their respective working groups to the board. Additionally, the representatives participate in an active manner in the functions of JAMKO’s own trusteeship working groups and the actions of different teams.

The Chairperson of The Representatives Council

Sini Kunnila

The Vice Chairperson of The Representatives Council

Eetu Ruotsalainen

The Representative's Council

Council members by alliances. Vice members in brackets.

Janita Hietala
Reetta Gustafsson

(Jenni Koivisto)
(Erkki Alanen)

Silja Saarenmaa
Sanni Karjalainen
Lauri Kujala
Sini Kunnila
Janina Hyttinen
Salla Hyvätti
(Jenna Kianto)
(Lotta Lampinen)

MISFITS(MF) 7 + (5)
Eetu Ruotsalainen
Charles Silvennoinen
Tyron John
Yaneth Gunawardena
Erika Laitinen
Jeremy Le Blanc
Peetu Luiro
(Ragnar Törnblom)
(Rabeya Khanom)
(Mauri-Tapani Heinonen)
(Mir Aftab Uddin)
(Khanh Hoang)

Simo Kangasniemi
Ella Boman
Enni Pitkänen
Venla Joro
Eetu Rautanen
(Timo Väisänen)
(Tanja Heinjoki)
(Sini Salomäki)

Tuija Paajanen
(Helmiina Vartio)
(Mervi Åkerlund)

(Satu Käkelä)

Agendas and minutes of the council


Council meeting 12.6.


Council meeting 6.5.

Agenda | Minutes

Statutory Spring Meeting 8.4.

Agenda | Minutes

Council evening school 2.4.


Council meeting 4.3.

Agenda | Minutes

Council meeting 5.2.

Agenda | Minutes

Council meeting 15.1.



Council 2024 meeting 12.12. | selection of the student representatives

Agenda | Minutes

Additional autumn assebly 2023 30.11.2023

Agenda | Minutes


JAMKO’s representatives meetings have open access for members of JAMKO. JAMKO’s representatives meetings are streamed through the Zoom application.

JAMKO members can take part in the meeting with remote access. If you can’t be physically present in the meeting you can follow the meeting through the Zoom application. The Zoom application can be used from the web browser, with downloaded the Zoom application from computer or phone while using the Zoom Cloud Meetings application.

If you are not member of the representatives, use guide 1.
If you have rights to vote in the representatives meeting, use guide 2.

1. Public stream

Use this guide if you want to follow the meeting and you are not among the members of the representatives.

  • Stream is opened according to the scheduled time of the meeting. By clicking link below you will be redirected straight to the stream.
  • Next type your name in the Your Name-box (for example First name Surname Student association/group) and press Join.
  • You will arrive to the waiting room, where you will be allowed in.
  • Before starting the online discussion do the following:
    When you’re allowed in to the meeting room, allow the sound settings (computer audio) and mute your microphone.

Open stream, click here

2. Stream for the representatives of JAMKO

  • Click the link below.
  • Choose the option ”Sign in”.
  • Log in with your school ID.
  • When you are logged in and you can see your profile, choose “Join a meeting” in the right corner of the website.
  • Put in the Meeting ID: 3176200260 and press “Join”.
  • You will arrive to the waiting room, where you will be allowed in.
    When you’re allowed in to the meeting room, allow the sound settings (computer audio).

Stream for the representatives, click here

  • Download Zoom Cloud Meetings application from the Play shop or from the Apple app store.
  • Open application and choose ”Sign in”.
  • Choose the option ”Or, sign in with” and choose the option SSO.
  • Write the company name ”jamk” and choose ”continue”.
  • Log in with your school ID, after that press ”Launch Zoom”.
  • Choose ”Meet & Chat” and from the option list ”Join”.
  • Put in the Meeting ID: 3176200260 and press “Join meeting”.

Make a difference in the Representatives council

The council of representatives is elected annually in an election that takes place in November. All members of the student union are entitled to sign up as a candidates and to vote in this election. If you are interested to stand as a candidate, remember that the working language of the Representatives is Finnish. The electoral announcement is traditionally given at the student union’s semester opening event at the turn of September, after which candidate sign-ups are received by the central electoral committee, nominated by the council of representatives. After candidates have signed up, the election follows, in which voting is done electronically. The result of the election is published in a special election event which is organized in conjunction with the opening of the student union’s Christmas party season. Find an electoral alliance, or found your own, and sign up as a candidate in the next election in order to make a difference!

election site

You can reach the central electoral committee at
