
Tutoring is trusteeship at its finest, and an important component of JAMKO’s activities. Student tutors act as peer instructors for students, and as guides at the beginning of studies and during studies. As older students, the tutors have the privilege of sharing experiences and knowledge about questions on new students’ minds, and of introducing the new students to each other, their new study environment and the student life of Jyväskylä. Tutoring takes place all year, but is more intensive during periods when new students arrive, at the start of the fall and the spring semesters. All tutors are recruited and trained by the student union. Every student has the right to have a tutor. Tutors will be assigned to new student at the beginning of their studies. If this is not true in your case, please contact the student union!

Tutoring is managed by:

  • Board member responsible for peer tutoring: tutor(a)jamko.fi
  • Board member responsible for international tutoring (degree and exchange students): kvtutor(a)jamko.fi
  • Advisor, guidance and well-being: ohjaus(a)jamko.fi

Being a tutor

The advantages of tutoring for students starting their studies are great, but so is the experience the tutor her/himself accumulates. By becoming a tutor for incoming students, a student develops skills valued in working life: leadership skills, problem solving, confidence to appear in public and the ability to deal with different people under varying circumstances. The fact that a student has tutoring experience can be influential in applying for a job. Upon request, the tutors receive a tutor diploma, which is valued by prospective employers. Tutoring is also a study module, so it provides a nice amount of study credits as well.

Tutors represent the student union in everything they do. Tutors also act as important links between the JAMK University of Applied Sciences and its new students. Instructing and guiding new students is communication between the student union and the students. Every tutor gets to know the practices of the student union and JAMK better. What is most appealing is that tutors get to network amongst themselves and to establish friendships, which can be life-long, with students of their own field and other fields.

How to become a tutor?

JAMKO recruits new tutors through a separate call for applications twice a year. Tutors are usually selected on the basis of an application form and interviews. Those selected as tutors attend tutor training courses, which provide them with the necessary skills to become a tutor. Without this process, it is not possible to work as a tutor in Jamk.

Types of tutoring

As students are a diverse group of people, we need different kinds of tutors to ease their way to student life. They all work for the students’ wellbeing, but from a slightly different aspect. You can read more here and discover your possibilities. 

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Mentors are students, who have completed their tutoring and trained to act as peer instructors for tutors. Mentors support the tutors’ work through their own experience and the training they have received.

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