Member service at Back to Campus-event

Jamk Back To Campus event in the Rajakatu campus yard invites new and continuing students to start the academic year on Thu 29.8. from 13 – 16! At the event, you can get to know the institutions in Jyväskylä, including JAMKO. The programme in the yard will explode at 15.00 by the KAJ-Rally, where students will witness the intense competition for the title of fastest innovative go-kart, created by the Study Field associations, JAMKO and other actors.

JAMKO’s member service will move from the office to the Back To Campus event from 13.00. You can come to the JAMKO stand to pick up your student card, academic year sticker or freshman pass and ask any questions you may have about JAMKO membership. At the booth you can try your luck on the wheel of fortune and win some nice prizes. Members can also wave their membership card to get themselves Panda’s sweet suprises. See you there!

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