Memes take over the campus – Freshmen Party on 12.9.

JAMKO organises the traditional Freshmen Party on Thursday 12 September. The start of the event is at Jamk’s main campus’ F – wing parking space.

The purpose of the event is to break down the boundaries between fields of study, introduce new students to the city and strengthen the student community. In addition to first-year students, tutors also participate in the event. JAMKO hopes that every new student will be given the opportunity to participate in the event and encourages the participating students to agree on possible reimbursable classes in advance.

This year there will be an epic meme party, as the theme is memes. Dressing up is, of course, half the fun and on campus you might encounter Grumpy Cats, Troll Faces and Pepes alike! Of course, the freshman in the best outfit will be rewarded. There will be no humiliation or hazing at the event, and JAMKO’s safer space principles are in use.

The event officially starts at 14:00, but preparations start already in the morning. The parking area in the F wing will be out of use from Wednesday 11.9. at 6 p.m. until Thursday 12.9. at 6 p.m. During the day, get ready for music and a lively atmosphere – the area will be cleared by 6pm.

Tickets can be purchased from

Further information: JAMKO’s freshmen Party


Contact: andrea.guermas(a)

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