Merkinnät käyttäjältä JAMKO viestintä

Cards and membership stickers available by post

Spring term memberships are now available in Spring term membership is valid from 1st January until 30th September 2023. Get your membership here. Remember to check out all the discounts and benefits available to you as a member of JAMK...

Help us to develop more equal JAMKO

JAMKO’s equality survey is open Dec 1st - 11th. JAMKO is currently working on an equality plan, which outlines JAMKO's principles, goals and measures related to the promotion of equality in its own operations and how each person can promote equali...

Apply for working groups!

JAMKO seeks student representatives for JAMK’s working groups to ensure that the student voice is not overlooked. One of the responsibilities of the student union JAMKO is to select student representatives to the university’s working groups and bodie...

JAMKO’s board 2023 elected

Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences Student Union JAMKO's board and chairpersons for the year 2023 were elected on Monday evening, November 21, 2022, at the organizational meeting of the representative council. 10 people applied for JAMKO's ...

Ismo Puhakka chosen as JAMKO’s Executive director

Ismo Puhakka will start as executive director in January. Student Union JAMKO recruited an executive director for JAMKO in October 2022. The application period ended on October 16, 2022, and the recruitment team made its difficult decision aft...

Delay in Overall order of 2022

Our overall manufacturer Putsiini informed us that the overall order will delay even more. The reason for this lies in Putsiini’s cloth delivery company Konekt Tkaniny’s end. Overalls were supposed to arrive by the end of November. Now the estimated ...

Representatives council of 2023 is elected

The highest authority of Student Union JAMKO has been chosen in Representatives’ election 2022. Voting turnout of this year’s election was 15,21 percent. 2965 students were entitled to vote from which 451 students voted. The voting turnout last year ...