
What does a trusteeship group?

My name is Niina and I am 23 years old Finnish girl. I am a third-year occupational therapy student in JAMK and this year I am the chairperson of the JAMKO’s board. Most of my time I am answering to email which I get quite a lot but I am also in char...

Foreign student in Finland – Bureaucracy?

I haven’t always been an Executive Director of the Student Union JAMKO. During my Studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Vaasa and later on at the University of Jyväskylä I used the given possibilities to go Abroad. I studied in two occasio...


Many students may know Student Union as the organization who gives the blue nice cards to students with great benefits, organizes parties, has something to do with tutors or then they are just a bunch of people sitting in front of computers while loo...

Tuesday for tutors!

Here writes really relieved young lady who gave all her today’s effort for one special Tuesday. My first tutor training ever just took place where I was on the other side of the table. Becoming international tutors had their first taste of tutoring a...


  Actually  I saw so much more than just a reindeer on the Lapland, Saariselkä trip. It was my first time traveling to Lapland during the winter. For a lot of people who were traveling with me it was a first time there as well.  It was ve...

How do you chill out?

So you know that I am the person behind IC events and and the trips abroad and in Finland. And do I do everything alone, without any help? No freaking way, I've got an awesome team (if you want to be on my team there is the application period later i...

So who is it this time?

So hey everyone! It is my turn to keep the blog going this week. So who am I? My name is Terttu and I study business administration, I am a second year student. I have also been tutoring exchange students. (If you are my tutoree, you guys are awesome...

Tutoring ABC and why life wouldn’t be so good without it

Three forms of tutoring and a possibility to specialize in three different categories. Puzzling? That’s the feedback we get quite often. To make things easier to understand, here’s a short introduction from you three different forms of tutoring &n...

Wonders of St. Petersburg

Here two members of my IC team share some thoughts on the trip: "The trip to St. Petersburg was awesome. Everyone seemed to be amazed about the size of the city and the amount of so many beautiful historical places. You can find huge buildings, mo...

Winter Wonderland

Here you can read about the adventures of some IC team members in Lapland!! Day one After 10 horrible hours on the narrow sleepless bus we arrive in the magical zoo of Ranua. In this lovely place we encountered several animals like foxs, beavers,...