
uMove’s summer term has started

In summer, Academic Sports offers uMove group fitness classes, ball games sessions and access to Rentukka and Monitoimitalo gym. You can participate in summer services with a sports sticker. If you don’t have a sports sticker yet, no worries, uMove o...

Participate in the development of Academic sports! 

Academic Sports wants to inspire you to experiment and find your own way to move.  Now is the time to make the first long-term plan for Academic Sports, and for that we need the help of the university community. What will academic sports be like in ...

New intranet is coming, but we need students’ help!

​The renewal of the intranet is well under way and a new concept is currently being designed, but we cannot succeed on our own. We need you students to participate, as the intranet is an important communication channel for the entire Jamk community. ...

JAMKO: Together towards better mental health

Students’ mental health day will be celebrated on 13th of April. Past pandemic years and accelerated Ukrainian crisis has had their negative impact specially on young adults and students, who might not have too large support net in unfamiliar town. D...

Students’ mental health day promotes compassion

The campaign, coordinated by Nyyti ry, is a student mental health day on April 13, 2022, and this year's theme is compassion. Nyyti ry will publish content related to the topic on its social media for a week starting on 7.4. continuing until 14.4.. T...

Join the Central Election Committee

The task of the Central Election Committee is to organize the Student Union Representative Council Elections, in which the members and vice members of the next year's Representative Council are elected. There are a variety of tasks from side to side ...