
Student representatives for 2021 have been chosen

The student union JAMKO's representatives council of 2021 has chosen the student representatives for JAMK's working groups for 2021. The decisions were made in the representatives council's meeting on December 2nd, 2020. The application period to bec...

JAMKOs Spring semester memberships now for sale!

JAMKOs Spring semester memberships are now on sale. The price for the membership is 22/27€ (continuing member/new member) and is valid until 30th of Sep 2021. The membership will take effect on 1st of Jan, and after the membership has taken effect th...

JAMKO’s gym is closed for the time being

Due to the situation with the coronavirus, the city of Jyväskylä has recommended that all universities move to remote teaching starting from November 30th. The Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences informed on November 27th that in accordance with...

The JAMKO board has organized for 2021

The 2021 board of the student union JAMKO organized in its meeting on Tuesday the 2th of November. The chairperson of the board in 2021 will be music pedagogy student Stella Palassalo. The vice chairperson of the board will be first-year business stu...

JAMKO’s board for 2021 has been chosen

The student union JAMKO’s board for the year 2021 has been chosen in the Representative Council’s organizing meeting on November 16th, 2020. In addition to the chairpersons, the board for 2021 will consist of 9 people. The Representatives Council ...

Become a student representative!

One of the responsibilities of the student union JAMKO is to select student representatives to the university's working groups and bodies. The representatives council looks for and selects the student representatives on December 2nd. JAMKO is looking...