
Grumble weeks start!

This years theme highlights accessibility and positive feedback Student Union JAMKO’s feedback concept Grumble Weeks are held from 9 to 22 March, during which students can give feedback through an electronic questionnaire. Selected theme "Kuulutko?”...

Weekly Overview, week 10

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW, WEEK 10 3.3.2020 In JAMKO Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.   ...

ASIO switches to Peppi! How does it affect to students?

Student management system Asio goes out of use in JAMK this spring and JAMK students will be transferred to a another management system: Peppi. In Peppi you can see the same things as from Asio, for example your own personal and studying information,...

Weekly overview, week 8

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW, WEEK 8 18.2.2020   In JAMKO Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.   ...

Weekly overview, week 7

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW, WEEK 7 11.2.2020   In JAMKO Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.   ...

Weekly overview, week 5

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW, WEEK 4 21.1.2019   In JAMKO Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.   ...

Weekly overview, week 4

  JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW, WEEK 4 21.1.2019   In JAMKO Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.

Apply for central election committee

The task of the Central Election Committee is to organize the Representative Council elections, which will select the members and vice members of the JAMKO Representative Council next year. The Central Election Committee will be elected by the Repres...

Weekly Newsletter, week 3

JAMKO’S WEEKLY NEWSLETTER, WEEK 3 14.1.2020   In JAMKO's Weekly newsletter the student union informs students about current news, events and other important issues. You can also send your own text.