
JAMKO sets sport dreams in to motion

JAMKO, city of Jyväskylä and many other organizations are collecting sport dreams of children and young people in Jyväskylä. Every citizen of Jyväskylä under the age of 30 can share their sport dreams between March 21th and April 30th. Organizations ...

Weekly Overview, week 12 | Grumble Weeks are on!

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW | Grumble weeks are on! Improve your education, well-being and trusteeship!     JAMKO NEWS ********************* Grumble Weeks feedback survey now open. Give feedback! Board game tournament on this ...

Weekly Overview | Make the most of Midterm break!

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW | Make the most of Midterm break! Is your membership valid?       JAMKO NEWS ***************** Make the most of midterm break – make sure your membership is valid JAMKO searches for advisor ...

Support and information from Trusteeship team

Trusteeship team is an open forum which offers students’ and study field assiciations a possibility to discuss about trusteeship issues, current student matters in own study field, in JAMK UAS, in Jyväskylä and in Finland.  Trusteeship teams are open...