Data protection in Student Union

Principles of data protection

The Student Union of JAMK University of Applied Sciences (JAMKO) demands processing of personal data. Processing personal data is primarily based on agreement given by person his/herself regarding membership, acting as student representative or active or being customer of JAMKO owned company Jyväskylän opiskelijoiden palvelut oy (ltd) (for instance final thesis book binding.)

Personal information is used for taking care of membership service, membership satisfaction and other surveys and membership communication. JAMKO is taking special notice that privacy, personal data protection and good data processing practices of members, clients, and actives are in place.

The personal data is collected mainly from members, customers and actives themselves. JAMKO can also collect data on its www-pages regarding the device of users on its web pages using cookies and other similar techniques like www-analytics. The collected data is in general not given out.

According to data protection laws every person have a right to check and request what data has been stored of him / her. The data request cannot be made by phone but it hast to be written and signed. The written request is asked to be send to JAMKo, Rajakatu 35, 40200 Jyväskylä. When asking for personal data, name, address and student number are given as well as the nature of request – do you want to check some special information, all information or data from a time perioid.

The customer is responsible for providing the correct personal information. Updating personal information should be done predominantly through JAMKO’s membership form in The customer can demand that the registered information is corrected, removed or completed in case the information is wrong, outdated, insufficient, or needless. Demands can be sent to JAMKO, Rajakatu 34, 40200 Jyväskylä.

If you suspect some unclarity in usage of your data, you can contact JAMKO’s Data Protection liaison Ismo Puhakka, ismo.puhakka(a) +358 44 321 1600 or Pekka Mannermaa, pekka.mannermaa(a), +358 50 3361 385

JAMKO has register descriptions (listed below) that are currently in Finnish only, except Survival kit register. We are working on getting the descriptions into English.

JAMKO commits itself to comply with General Data Protection Regulation.

Ask for further information in English:
Executive director Ismo Puhakka
+358 44 3211600