IC goes to Lapland

Join JAMKO’s International Club to the mythical Lapland and Ski Resort Saariselkä! If you are looking for a nice and relaxed place to be with your friends and have the chance to experience the North this is your destination! Located 260 kilometres be...

International Club goes St. Petersburg

IC and Timetravels welcomes you on this exciting trip to the beautiful St. Petersburg. In this trip you get to discover the Venice of the North on a visa-free ferry trip! Experience top quality culture, see outstanding palaces and sights, great parti...

IC Beach Picnic

Whether you are a new or continuing student, welcome to join a relaxed afternoon picnic and start the semester with fun and games at Tuomiojärvi beach. Good music, snacks, outdoor games and sport activities will set the mood to a fun afternoon with n...


JYY and JAMKO arranges pre-events a whole week before the 1st of May celebration! All the events are open for all students from university and university of applied sciences no matter what you study! Join us and have fun in lots of different activiti...

Representatives’ plenary session

JAMKO’s Representatives meet on 24.4 for the plenary session. There will be made a decision about JAMKO’s future Member register and member id. JAMKOs honors JAMKO representatives evening schools and plenary sessions are held in Finnish. ...

Representatives’ statutory spring meeting

JAMKO’s Representatives statutory spring meeting on 18.4. Topics include Financial Statement from year 2017 Annual Report Freedom of responsibility for operatives of 2017 Election of Central election committee JAMKO representatives s...

Representatives’ evening school

JAMKO's Representatives meet on 11.4 for evening school. In the meeting there will be discussions about matters that are being decided in the plenary session on 18.4. Topics include Financial Statement from year 2017, Annual Report etc. In ad...

Sits party and Spring’s Grande Finale 12.4.

The coolest party of the year arranged by JAMKO will be celebrated in mythical and legendary atmosphere in the springs grande finale party on April 12th 2018 starting from 10pm! If you can’t wait for that long for the evening to start, JAMKO and HUMA...

Snowday 2018

Snowday is sporty winter event to all higher education students in Jyväskylä. There is all kinds of chances to exercise and enjoy winter with friends and other students.  Event is held at the Tuomiojärvi beach, near Rajakatu. During the day there is ...

IceBra 2018

Snowday's official after party - IceBra - is here again and it’s held in February. Ice castle of the night will be well known Bra2 where party people are dancing as JAMKO’s calendar year’s first student party starts. The night includes rewarding the ...