Tuesday Club

Tuesday Clubs are all about hanging out, playing board games or whatever we come up with. You are welcome whether you’re with friends or alone. It’s okay to come just to have a fun night, to meet new people or even to ask questions about school and s...

Tuesday Club

Tuesday Clubs are all about hanging out, playing board games or whatever we come up with. You are welcome whether you’re with friends or alone. It’s okay to come just to have a fun night, to meet new people or even to ask questions about school and s...

Tuesday Club

Tuesday Clubs are all about hanging out, playing board games or whatever we come up with. You are welcome whether you’re with friends or alone. It’s okay to come just to have a fun night, to meet new people or even to ask questions about school and s...


JAMKO’s Detention is a fun pub quiz for 1-4 people’s teams. The best team of the night will be rewarded and the best team of the season will not only be honored for ever but get a prize suitable for kings. These nights are more than just quiz, since ...


JAMKO’s Detention is a fun pub quiz for 1-4 people’s teams. The best team of the night will be rewarded and the best team of the season will not only be honored for ever but get a prize suitable for kings. These nights are more than just quiz, since ...


JAMKO’s Detention is a fun pub quiz for 1-4 people’s teams. The best team of the night will be rewarded and the best team of the season will not only be honored for ever but get a prize suitable for kings. These nights are more than just quiz, since ...


JAMKO’s Detention is a fun pub quiz for 1-4 people’s teams. The best team of the night will be rewarded and the best team of the season will not only be honored for ever but get a prize suitable for kings. These nights are more than just quiz, since ...

KirpNik – Indoor yard sale and picnic

Can’t close your closet doors because of all the clothes? Or can’t you find anything nice to wear even from your roommate? Would you like to go for a picnic but the weathers ugly or don’t have any company? Don’t worry, luckily we have KirpNik! What, ...

KirpNik – indoor yard sale and picnic

Can’t close your closet doors because of all the clothes? Or can’t you find anything nice to wear even from your roommate? Would you like to go for a picnic but the weathers ugly or don’t have any company? Don’t worry, luckily we have KIRPNIK! "What?...

Semester’s opening – The Great Pow Wow

Ugh, new and old students! JAMKO will open the Academic Year in a Native American style on 10th of September. Follow smoke signals for a picnic to Lutakonpuisto (park of Lutakko) where you'll be entertained by study field associations, DJ and the ...