JAMKO’s Post-Gamepit 9.-10.2.

Are you already a more experienced player or a beginner? It doesn't matter because now you can come and play at JAMKO's Post-Gamepit event on wednesday or thursday form 17.00 to 21.00. The venue will be held in the Gamepit Pro gameroom on the Rajakat...


The mothership of all pub quizzes is here! Assemble a team of 4 and get ready for a glorious battle! This time the subject of this quiz is disney. The winning team will be rewarded according to their value. The doors will open at 8.30pm, the quiz wi...

Eat Out Evening

Eat Out Evening serves good company, a small program and, above all, the mouthwatering JAMKO benefits from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. The star of this evening is VENN's own pizza plate as a meat or vegetable version for 8€, which includes starters. Now it’s wo...

What the Finland

What the Finland is JAMKO’s day event for international students where you can get to know Finnish culture and new students! This year What The Finland takes students to Peurunka´s beautiful nature. There the students will have a chance to try differ...

Overall Oath Party 2021

Attention new (and older) students! It is time to accept new overall owners as part of respected Overall people. So dive into your overalls and come to Bra and take the official Overall Oath. Come and hear what you can do with your overalls on, who...


The last Detention of the semester is here! It is going to happen on 8th of December! The theme is - Around Europe! That means - it is a good time to brush up your knowledge of the main facts about European countries and show us how well-travelled ...

Organizing meeting of JAMKO representatives

The newly elected Representative Council will gather for the first time at 5 pm in the Auditorium Valjakka and Zoom. The council will elect the actives, such as the Board's chairperson and Board members for the year 2020. The meeting is open to al...


The last Jolkkari of the year will be held at JAMKO Café on Tuesday 23rd of November. During Jolkkari's Pre-Christmas Party, Jolkkari offers students e.g. glögi and Christmas pastries. During the day, we will make Christmas cards with school priest J...

Board info

Do you want to influence students’ interests? Would you like to organize tutor trainings next year? Or finally organize live events? Has this year’s board not taken enough stances on local politics? Or national politics? Would you like to decide what...

Try Out 30.11.

Are you the King (or Queen) of the game world or a beginner? Come explore GamePit Pro's facilities and challenge other players! GamePit Pro has 12 computers and 2 consoles for gaming as well as a pile of JAMKO board games. On computers and consoles y...