JAMKO encourages JAMK to develop students well-being

JAMKO did before christmas holidays a petition to JAMK encouraging it to develop the status of coordination and decreasing the felt inequality towards local university students, who have wider university sports services and well-being courses at their disposal.

HYPE-group that consists of different specialists and JAMKO representatives is working on wellbeing matters in JAMK and has noticed difficulties in coordinating and developing the wellbeing services due lack of time- and personnel resources.

JAMKO wishes from JAMK more resources to pre-emptive measures and especially to change the trend of deteorating student wellbeing shown in a recent study (Opiskelijoiden terveystutkimus 2016).

The services JAMKO is proposing also for JAMK students are already in use at University. They don’t concentrate only on improving the physical health but student wellbeing in wider perspective. The courses have good effects that improve mental and social wellbeing and impact directly in students ability to cope in studies and working life.

JAMKO has been discussing the issues with the JAMK administration in order to tackle the challenges. At the moment extra resources for the coordinating work are not expected in the near future but in the soon starting development of curriculums these aspects will be adressed. Opening of all university sports wellbeing courses for JAMK students is also being is also being discussed.

Additional information:
Hannu Järvistö
Executive director

Elina Oksanen
Advisor on Guidance and Well-being

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