JAMKO participates in Jyväskylä Pride

JAMKO will participate in the Jyväskylä Pride march with many other organisations on Saturday 7.9. at 12.00. Before that, we will start the celebrations in Kirkkopuisto at 10.00 at our own point together with students and Humako. Come with us to prepare for the parade, get some great face painting and make a themed pin for yourself. You can also buy a unique JAMKO Pride overall patch on the spot, for which we will donate one euro to Seta’s local activities. You can also get it in advance on the Kide.app.

After the stand, we will set up a joint block on the parade with students and Jamk staff before the parade starts at 12.00. All are welcome to show their support for equality with JAMKO!

JAMKO has been selling the Pride – patch from September 2023, and total of 87€ has been donated to Jyväskylä Seta at the end of August 2024. We will continue to sell the patch and support the local work with the students. Thank you for your support!

More info on the Pride week-events in Jyväskylä

More information tapahtumat(a)jamko.fi

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