Student healthcare and support during studies

Finnish Student Health Services FSHS – supporting your well-being 

During your studies, your support of well-being and health is Finnish Student Health Services (FSHS). The specialist in student health care offers you general, mental and oral health services and supports the well-being of study communities.

The FSHS services can be used by students completing a bachelor’s or master’s degree at a university or a university of applied sciences who have registered as attending for the semester.

Master the facts! Familiarize yourself with our services and user instructions on the address, and the Health information resource on the address You can also find information about appointments as well as current information about your service unit on the address

Start using Self! Self is the student’s own online service for health care issues at FSHS. In Self, you can manage appointment bookings, communicate via SelfChat and start a remote consultation. Log in to Self as a user immediately from the beginning of the semester and keep your contact details up to date for as long as you are a student. Read more:

The healthcare fee for students in higher education that students pay to Kela on their own initiative covers all FSHS services. The FSHS does not charge fees for appointments. Please note that some international degree students have been given different instructions regarding the healthcare fee. Always check the up-to-date instructions on Kela´s website. 

Useful links

For new students

The healthcare fee for students in higher education

Follow on social media! FSHS posts current issues on, Facebook and Instagram.


If you are not eligible for FSHS, you can contact the healthcare center in your living area.

Remember to take care of yourself! Successful studying is not all about cramming and there should be always some time to rest, relax and get a breath of fresh air.

See what else student life has to offer!

Tutors – peer support at the beginning of your studies

Every student is constantly facing various different challenges. To help you cope with these challenges, JAMKO has created a tutoring system, where older students help and guide new students to get into the student life as smoothly as possible. Tutors understand what new students are going through in their lives and emotions and will be able to help with issues related to leisure time and school. New student is given a tutor at the very beginning of their studies and you and talk to him or her for example about:

  • Guidance to support services
  • Small group activities and introducing new students to each other
  • Electronic study tools (Peppi, Optima and student intra Elmo, Tuudo)
  • Familiarizing new students to a new city or land
  • Help to be acquainted with new study environment and student culture
  • Student Union JAMKO’s services

Jamk's support and guidance parties

Tutor teachers

The tutor teacher is a teacher who is the immediate counsellor of your student group in matters connected to course selection, scheduling your studies, career planning and employment. Sometimes referred as career tutors, the teachers can also help you with various study-related challenges or troubles with the student group. The tutor teachers are signed to every group at the beginning of the studies.

Study guidance

Students can get help from study counselors in matters relating to motivation, time management, well-being and other challenging topics during their studies. In addition the counselors support students with their own study objectives and in cases where a student simply needs more individualized support and guidance for their studies.

Study psychologist

The study psychologist guides and supports all the students of JAMK UAS on learning, motivation and coping issues. Students can contact the psychologist because of e.g. anxiety or depression caused by private life, family or relationship problems. The confidential discussions complement the counseling provided by study counsellors and tutor teachers.

School pastor

School pastor supports students during studies regardless of one’s religion. You can discuss anything that is on your mind: grief, loneliness, coping, complicated relationships or your philosophy of life. The pastor is the priest of the Evangelical Lutheran parish in Jyväskylä, but the student’s religion is irrelevant for contacting the school pastor. Discussions are confidential.

Courses and groups

Jamk offers also various courses and groups providing study support and techniques to advance your studies.

All the support services at Jamk UAS are completely free of charge.

Read more about the support systems and staff who you can contact if needed.