Tarvaala’s member service point’s service hours changed

JAMKO has not received the ordered student cards due to the delay at the card provider.  The orders are delayed due to shortage of card bases. Because of this delay Tarvaala’s member service point’s service date and time will be changed from Thu 22nd...

Freshmen Party Outer Space 2016

Freshmen Party, what a DAY! Freshmen Party Outer Space 2016 was held 15.9.2016. During six months, we planned and constructed the day. This was the first huge and official event that I planned. Luckily I had help, my coworker Linda who is also per...

Student card requirements got simpler

According to the new guidelines of the roof organisation of UAS student Unions SAMOK, the blue Student Card is now for the students who are studying for a UAS first or second cycle degree. You can get a blue card if you meet all of the following crit...

JAMKO’s event venues change

Some of the event venues change at the beginning of March as hotel Jyväshovi's restaurants Social House and Bra close. Keskimaa’s Social House on Kauppakatu closes on Feb 27th and according to the latest information Bra is scheduled to close on 12...

Try Sahaja Yoga for free

Come and try Sahaja Yoga at JAMK! Sahaja Yoga is a simple method that helps the practitioner to become connected with the inner self. The morning meditations at JAMK are an opportunity for all those who are interested in discovering a natural approac...

Yes I can

Sometimes studying can be challenging or even hard. Then you start to doubt yourself. Positive thinking gives always a good boost but an even better boost you get when you think back things you have already learned and achieved. I bet that list is lo...

Make the most of your time as a student

The one thing I regret from my own time as a student is that I never dared to go to an exchange period. I imagine that the incoming exchange students, who are currently arriving to Jyväskylä, are hugely exited but also a bit apprehensive at the s...

Weekly Overview | Week 5

JAMKO’S WEEKLY OVERVIEW | Welcome to Trusteeship team!   JAMKO NEWS JAMKO IC goes to Lapland, join us IceBra’s pre-ticket sale is on Sign up for Snowday tournaments and mystery Year’s first trusteeship team Worklife licence apply time...

Going back home? Prepare for a reverse culture shock

Studying abroad is absolutely an amazing experience - I know this because I have done three different exchange periods and worked abroad. In the beginning you are excited to go abroad. As a foreigner in a new culture you may feel homesick but after a...