
Tutor recruitment continues – apply by Feb 9th

JAMKO is searching tutors that start in autumn 2024 and recruitment period is from 19.01 - 09.02. Tutoring doesn't only allow you to meet new friends but also improve your communication skills, help new students find their way and have opportuniti...

JAMKO aims to organize spring tutor training on campus

Every year, Student Union JAMKO recruits and trains new tutors whose task is to support new students in the early stages of their studies. Over the last couple of years, COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on tutoring as the tutor tra...

Busyest and most rewarding year

Hey hey! Tero here again. With only one month left in JAMKO, most of my work is almost done! This past year has been wonderful, but busy. Rewarding, yet stressful. I've trained 53 fantastic international- and degree tutors, who have done an amazing j...

Hello there, new exchange/degree student!

It's Tero, JAMK's student union's International- and Degree tutor representative here! Coming to a new country can be nerve-wracking and exciting at the same time. Essential things can be easy to forget when you're worried. This is why I've compiled ...

Freshmen Party Outer Space 2016

Freshmen Party, what a DAY! Freshmen Party Outer Space 2016 was held 15.9.2016. During six months, we planned and constructed the day. This was the first huge and official event that I planned. Luckily I had help, my coworker Linda who is also per...

Tutor recruitment starts in December

JAMKO recruits approx. 200 new tutors to help and guide new students starting their studies in the fall 2016. This year the application period for tutoring starts on 14th of December and continues until 13th of January. Peer tutors are recruited for ...