Student representatives in working groups

Making students’ voices heard is an important part of JAMKO’s trusteeship work. Participating in working groups gives an individual student valuable experience and helps maintain the well-being, decision-making power and rights of the student union. Applying for the working groups is open each year at the change of the representative council’s term, and one can be selected for a working group despite not working in JAMKO’s representative council, board, or in a study field student association. Participating in a working group does not take a lot of time and you can choose how active you want to be outside of the meetings of the working group.

Jamk’s development teams

  • Research, development and innovation
  • Education 
  • Quality 
  • Strategic international development group
  • Languages ​​and communication OPS 2024 working group
  • Digitalization steering group

The development teams follow the development of their own area of responsibility in Finland and internationally, and develop Jamk’s work accordingly. The teams help Jamk execute its strategy. In addition, the groups support the execution of Jamk’s strategic development plan and make presentations to the executive group and to the board of study issues. The groups facilitate the execution of the decisions that are made. The student representatives work as full members of the development teams.


JAMKO is looking for two student representatives to the board of the Central Finland Student Housing Foundation KOAS for a two-year term in 2024-2026. KOAS offers living accommodation for about 4000 students and owns dozens of buildings around the city of Jyväskylä. As a member of the KOAS board, you are one of 9 members, which include people from JYY, JAMKO, the city of Jyväskylä, as well as people living in KOAS buildings. You will gain information about how a foundation like KOAS works internally, and this experience can be very useful later in your career. You will have an opportunity to make decisions about the issues of KOAS, which will determine the work of KOAS for the future, up to 50 years from now. As a student member of the board of KOAS, your job is to work as a connection person to JAMKO and Jamk’s students and make sure that students’ voices are heard in developing students’ accommodation.


The student representative works in the board of Jamk Ldt as a representative of the university community, together with a representative from the staff. The responsibilities of the board include deciding about the central goals and strategies of Jamk’s activities and finances, as well as the principles of tutoring. The responsibilities of the board are described in more detail in the Universities of Applied Scienes Act (932/2014). The representatives council makes a proposal about who should be selected as the representative, and Jamk Ldt selects a new board in the spring of 2024.

Jamk Management team

Jamk’s management team assists the rector-CEO in the management and development of the university of applied sciences. The management team consists of the rector, vice rector (education), vice rector (RDI), administrative director, director of communication, unit heads and staff and student representatives. If necessary, the vice rector (education) acts as the rector. The assistant to the rector, vice rectors and administrative director acts as the secretary of the management team.


The representatives of the cafeteria group participate in the meetings of the restaurant committee a couple of times each semester and bring the point of view of the students to the services of the restaurants and their qualities. They also participate in developing the cafeteria group.


JAMK assesses all study programs each five years. The assessments are done by four independent assessors, one of whom is a student representative from another study program. The responsibilities of a student-assessor include interviewing the students of a study program and making an evaluation based on the information gained in the interviews. Working as a student-assessor gives you 2 credits for the Active in Student Associacions –course. In addition, you get a certificate for participating in the evaluation. The head of Jamk’s quality management teaches the representatives about the evaluation process. Participating in the evaluation is an excellent opportunity for a student to influence the quality of education and also gain experience from how the quality of work is often assessed in work environments.


In accordance with the Universities of Applied Scienes Act, Jamk has a board of examiners, which deals with correction requests relating to courses and studies. The board of examiners deals with theses that arrive for re-evaluation. The student representative is a full member of the working group, and has the ability to evaluate other students’ theses. The work requires an understanding of Jamk’s evaluation criteria. There is a small reward for participation in the meetings.


The board of study issues makes decisions about the education at Jamk, their curriculums and selection criteria, as well as the schedules of semesters. Appeals relating to student selections are also decided by the Board of study issues. The meetings of the board are attended by leadership from Jamk, representatives from different units, and of course the student representatives. The board meets about eight times a year for meetings of about two hours.


The ethical committee works to develop and supervise the ethicality of Jamk’s general practices. The ethical committee consists of both staff from the school and students. The committee aims to meet a couple of times each year. The committee deals with and makes recommendations in relation to questions about ethicality in the fields of studying, teaching, and development work. The committee creates the ethical principles guidelines for teaching and studying. In addition, the committee follows the implementation of these principles and guidelines, and also makes changes when necessary. The committee also creates the principles and guidelines for guaranteeing the authenticity of reports and theses. In addition, the committee communicates about the aforementioned issues.


In the indoor air monitoring working group, the student representative participates in monitoring the air quality in the indoor facilities of Jamk along with the rest of the group. The student representative plays an important role in improving the air quality in his or her school. The working group deals with the notifications it receives about air quality, and determines whether they require further action, and if so, what that action should be.

ONT – forum and thesis evaluation renewal working group

The ONT-forum discusses current reforms related to the thesis, such as the reform of the evaluation criteria and updating the thesis instruction page. The thesis forum meets about once a month. In addition, in 2024, the Thesis evaluation renewal working group will meet approximately once a month.

University sports co-operative group

In the working group, there are staff as students from Jyväskylä’s universities. The meetings include exchanging information, how previously organized events have gone and what the future holds. Also there can be pointed development points and points that have gone well. The meetings are about 2 hours long and they are kept about 4 times in a year.


The Edufutura -cooperation between Gradia, Jamk, and the University of Jyväskylä has created a new and unique model in which students have flexible opportunities to study and develop their learning. As a student representative, you will gain networks in Gradia, JYU and Jamk, work closely with local representatives, share your experiences and viewpoints about how the cooperation between the three schools should be developed from the perspective of students and learn about how the connections between the schools work. You will also be an active part in developing future opportunities for students.

  • Executive group
    The task of the EduFutura Executive group is e.g. monitor developments in education and science policy, set strategic goals for EduFutura cooperation, strengthen the budget and coordinate participation in large-scale projects. The Chairmanship of the EduFutura Executive group changes annually. Student representation changes annually between the Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä JYY and the Student Union JAMKO.
  • EduFutura steering group – flexible, high-quality and individual study paths
    Steering is based on focusing on different kinds of study paths and how easy it would be for the students to create the study path suitable for themselves. It would also include thoughts about how fluent it could be to unite different kinds of studies between several universities.
  • EduFutura steering group – Competitiveness and vitality with future know-how and working life services
    In the steering group, the discussions are about increasing the attraction and integration of international experts in the region and the development of training solutions and chains together with working life and municipalities.

E³UDRES² alliance student representative

E³UDRES² is European university, which has it own student union. There are 3 representatives from every 9 institutions, that are included to Eudres, in the student union. One of the representatives is part of the board of Eudres’ student union, and the other two are part of the larger squad. The task is about one year long, but it is hoped that representatives would still be part of the union the year after that. More info about Eudres:

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