You reap what you sow – Student card or Student Union membership?

JAMKO is an advocacy and events organisation with around 3500 members, run by student volunteers. Membership of JAMKO costs €35 per academic year. As a token of membership, the student union issues a student card, which also entitles the student to all national travel and lunch benefits. The mobile card is free, plastic one currently €6. In return, members receive various student and membership benefits, discounts and limited services, such as cheaper event tickets or gifts linked to membership. These are important bonuses to student life and a clear advantage in an already tight financial climate for students. However, they are only a snippet of what the Student Union does for its members.

Although there may not appear to be an immediate benefit, JAMKO has an impact on many aspects of a student’s daily life. The primary, statutory role of the student union is to look after the students of the university, to create a sense of community and equality, to improve the quality of education at JAMKO and to promote the social status of UAS students and the future of education for all.

So what does all this entail?

Advocacy and trusteeship

The Student Union acts as a student representative in the Jamk UAS and in Jyväskylä. Advocacy means that we protect and advocate for issues that are important to students and try to prevent actions and injustice that are harmful to students. The national student movement also has a good sample of influencers with a JAMKO background. The student representatives elected by JAMKO influence the Jamk policy, its activities and the quality of learning in working groups by participating in discussions and giving feedback. The Student Union ensures the implementation of the examination regulations and helps students to clarify any related deficiances. Did you know that you are entitled to an evaluation within 1 month of the end of your course?

Services and events

The Student Union organises events and activities to enliven student life, enabling students to find networks and, ideally, lifelong relationships. JAMKO educates its members and students on various social topics and provides financial support for student activities. Did you know that as a JAMKO member you can apply for grants for student projects?

Community, support and advice

JAMKO-trained tutors support students’ social well-being and attachment to the student community, which reduces exclusion, promotes progression  in studies and alleviates the pressure in support services. JAMKO actives support students in cases of bullying, harassment or suspected discrimination. JAMKO actives promote student-friendly practices that make studying and everyday life on campus smoother. For example, recently we were able to influence a change in the parking policy at Jamk UAS.


It can be difficult for individual students to make their voices heard, but with the support of the student union, you can make a difference to the issues that matter to you at university. Through the student union, you can also influence municipal decision-making, as we work together with the city and other organisations.

In recent years, companies offering exclusively commercial student discounts have appeared on the market, through which you can get a student card for free. These companies have really nothing to do with students, student unions or higher education institutions. However, as a student advocacy organisation, we fully understand the financial situation of students and the need to make choices, even for the smallest purchases. Joining a student union is entirely voluntary and it is not a condition for getting a student card somewhere else. However, it is worth considering which issues are also important in the longer term, what kind of help you might need and what social values you want to influence. By getting involved in the Student Union, even if only by becoming a member, you are helping to ensure that the work towards a higher education community that meets the needs of students and the smooth running of their studies continues.

Thank you for being involved.

Anna Tarvainen-Illi
JAMKO Communications and Trusteeship Advisor


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